JSONX Manual

Using advanced props

JSONX was created so you can create react elements and components with JSON. Advanced props allow for your components to interact with dynamic data for example:

There are five kinds of Advanced Props (Traverse, Evaluation, Format, Display and Utility props):

1. Traverse Props

(resourceprops/asyncprops, windowprops, thisprops, thisstate, thiscontext)

Traverse Props are used to assign props values from different objects. For example, if you wanted to set the alt text of an image tag from the URL of the window. Because JXM objects are derived from JSON it’s impossible to get the dynamic value window.location.href and assign it to the alt prop without using advanced props.

//assume window.location.href = http://example.com

const JXM = {
    alt: // ??? http://example.com

Attempting to access window.location.href is where traverse props are useful. Conceptually you are traversing the window property and assign the href property from window.location to the JXM.props.alt property.

Traversing the window object is possible by using the window props traverse prop. The other traverse props are:

To properly reference window.location.href the following JXM Object would work

const JXM = {

Traverse props assign properties to JXM.props object by defining what property you want to set on JXM.props as the traverse prop property name and passing an array to the property value you want. So for a window’s location (window.location.href), the property value is accessed by an array to the href ['location', 'href'] where you omit the transverse object from the array path.

Some sample use cases are:

// programmatic example
import * as jsonx from "jsonx";

async function main() {
  const response = await fetch("/path/to/userdata");
  const asyncUserData = await response.json();
  asyncUserData = {
    user: {
      name: 'jsonx',
      description: 'react without javascript',
    stats: {
      logins: 102,
      comments: 3,
    authentication: 'OAuth2',
  const JXM = {
    component: "div",
    props: {
      id: "generatedJSONX",
      className: "jsonx"
    resourceprops: {
      auth: ["authentication"],
      username: ["user", "name"]
    children: [
        component: "p",
        props: {
          style: {
            color: "red",
            fontWeight: "bold"
        asyncprops: {
          title: ["user", "description"]
        children: "hello world"

  //render something silly
  jsonx.jsonxRender(JXM, asyncUserData);
  Renders this JXM Object:
  JXM = {
    component: 'div',
    props: {
      id: 'generatedJSONX',
      auth: 'OAuth2',
      username: 'jsonx',
    children: [
        component: 'p',
        props: {
          style: {
            color: 'red',
          title:'react without javascript',
        children:'hello world',


Example Traverse Props

2. Evaluation Props

(__dangerouslyEvalProps, __dangerouslyBindEvalProps, __dangerouslyEvalAllProps, __dangerouslyInsertFunctionComponents, __dangerouslyInsertClassComponents, __dangerouslyInsertComponents, __dangerouslyInsertReactComponents, __dangerouslyInsertJSONXComponents, _children, __functionProps (legacy), __windowComponents , __windowComponentProps, __spreadComponent, __spread)

Evaluation Props are properties that are computed and resolve values onto the JXM.props property. They are helpful because, to interact with dynamic data and stateful information, they provide a way to describe declaratively how to assign properties onto the JXM.props property.


The _children evaluation property is used to override the value of JXM.children and is usually only used when you want to dynamically set the value of the children property from an advanced property.

//current URL: http://example.com
const JXMWindowLocation = {
  component: "p",
  windowprops: {
    _children: ["location", "href"]
// computes: { component:'p', children:'http://example.com', }

__dangerouslyEvalProps, __dangerouslyBindEvalProps ,and __dangerouslyEvalAllProps

The evaluation properties __dangerouslyEvalProps, __dangerouslyBindEvalProps and __dangerouslyEvalAllProps are properties used to evaluate strings and set the value the property value on a JXM Object.

__dangerouslyEvalAllProps will evaluate a string as a function and assign the returned value of the function to the props property of a JXM object. Note: If passing the value as a string, remember this value has to be an expression, so either a (({jsonx})=>({})) or (function({jsonx}){}). There is one parameter passed into the function, it’s the current value of the JXM Object on the jsonx property

__dangerouslyEvalProps is used to evaluate the string value and assign it to the JXM.props value, the string must be a valid javascript expression (Tip, if evaluating an object remember to wrap it ({some:‘obj’, }) ). If __dangerouslyEvalProps is a function, it will assign the value of the function called with one parameter {jsonx}.

__dangerouslyBindEvalProps is used to assign functions to JXM object props values. This is usually for onClick and onChange functions. Each property of __dangerouslyBindEvalProps has to be a function because it attempts to assign the value as a function with this bound to it.

These functions exist because there are instances where JSONX is delivered via JSON and JavaScript functions are not valid JSON values. Evaluation props are typically used sparingly when JXM is sent server-side. In practice, there are many ways to pass functions as values (especially if they are bound to JSONX, then you can always reference functions by access properties off of this by using thiscontext).

Example Evaluation Props

__spreadComponent and __spread

The __spreadComponent advanced prop is a component that maps over the JXM.__spread prop. Typically __spreadComponent used to render the same a component mapped to data from an array. Each element of the JXM.__spread array is passed into the child __spreadComponent as JXM.__item . JXM.__spread is usually set using a traverse prop to assign the property.

const JXM = {
  component: 'ul',
    __spread: [
        name:'bob smith',
        name:'jane doe',
        name:'billy bob',
/* => { 
  component:'ul', children: [
      component:'li', children:'bob smith',
      component:'li', children:'jane doe',
      component:'li', children:'billy bob',

Example Evaluation Props

__dangerouslyInsertFunctionComponents, __dangerouslyInsertClassComponents, __dangerouslyInsertComponents, __dangerouslyInsertReactComponents, __dangerouslyInsertJSONXComponents, __windowComponents, __windowComponentProps,

The component evaluation props all assign React Elements to props. This pattern is very common in charting libraries when you need to customize labels. Typically you would assign a custom component to a prop and the component you are using would insert the customized component appropriately.

The most common pattern is a Function component as a prop. Using function components or class components as props require understanding how to create components with JSONX. Read Creating React Components and Component Libraries for more information.

Example Evaluation Props

__functionProps (legacy)

The evaluation prop __functionProps is another way to assign a function value to a property in JXM.props. There are two ways of using __functionProps, one way for predefined functions and another way for dynamic functions. Using __functionProps may be deprecated in the future.

predefined functions (legacy)

__functionProps can assign values from functions that exist on this.props (e.g. using something like react-router and accessing this.props.reduxRouter.push) or functions that exist on the window object (like window.console.log).

Properties are assigned by using the value of the function by access the property as a string, prefixed with “func:”. Function props merge onto jsonx.props after evaluating each function string.

const JXM = {
  component: "button",
  props: {
    name: "test"
  __functionProps: {
    onclick: "func:this.props.onClick", // if there's already a defined onClick Function
    printPage: "func:window.print",
    nav: "func:this.props.reduxRouter.push"

inline functions (legacy)

__functionProps can also generate functions from a string in a much less elegant way than using __dangerouslyEvalProps or __dangerouslyBindEvalProps. It’s very cumbersome but you define the string of the function body JXM.__inline[name-of-func] and reference the function on __functionProps by prefixing the function with func:inline (e.g. JXM.__functionProps[func:inline[name-of-function]]). You can also use the __functionargs advanced props to bind JXM.prop properties to parameters of the inline function.

const JXM = {
  component: "button",
  props: {
    name: "test"
  __functionargs: {
    onClick: ["name"]
  __inline: {
    onClick: ` window.alert("the name of this component from the prop is:" +arguments[0])`
  __functionProps: {
    onClick: "func:inline.onClick"

Example Evaluation Props __functionProps

3. Format Props

(___stringifyChildren, ___toStringChildren, ___toNumeral, ____JSDatetoLuxonString, ___ISOtoLuxonString, ___FromLuxonTimeZone)

Format Props are properties that are used to convert JXM.children values to strings. Format Props are used because the children parameter of React.createElement can only be a string or an array of React Elements.


The ___stringifyChildren format property converts the JXM.children property to a string by using JSON.stringify.

const JXM = {
  component: "div",
  children: { "some-non-string": "data" },
  ___stringifyChildren: true
}; // => { component:'div', children: '{"some-non-string":"data"}' };


The ___toStringChildren format property converts the JXM.children property to a string by calling toString().

const JXM = {
  component: "div",
  children: [1, 2, 3, 4],
  ___toStringChildren: true
}; // => { component:'div', children: '1,2,3,4' };


The ___toNumeral format property converts the JXM.children property to a string by calling numeral(JXM.children).format(JXM.___toNumeral). See numeral formatting options on numeraljs.com.

const JXM = {
  component: "div",
  children: 15204.39084,
  ___toNumeral: "0,0.00"
}; // => { component:'div', children: '15,204.39' };


The ___JSDatetoLuxonString format property converts the JXM.children property to a string by calling Luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(JXM.children).toFormat(JXM.___JSDatetoLuxonString). See luxon formatting options from the luxon formatting docs.

const JXM = {
  component: "div",
  children: new Date("2020-03-03"),
  ___JSDatetoLuxonString: "LLL d, yyyy"
}; // => { component:'div', children: 'Mar 3, 2020' };

___ISOtoLuxonString & ___FromLuxonTimeZone

The ___ISOtoLuxonString format property converts the JXM.children property to a string by calling Luxon.DateTime.fromISO(JXM.children).toFormat(JXM.___ISOtoLuxonString). You can set the timezone of the ISO string by using the ___FromLuxonTimeZone format Prop. See luxon formatting options from the luxon formatting docs.

const JXM_NY = {
  component: "div",
  children: "2020-03-03T14:30:00.000Z",
  ___ISOtoLuxonString: "ff",
  ___FromLuxonTimeZone: "America/New_York"
}; // => { component:'div', children: 'Mar 3, 2020, 9:30 AM' };

const JXM_LA = {
  component: "div",
  children: "2020-03-03T14:30:00.000Z",
  ___ISOtoLuxonString: "ff",
  ___FromLuxonTimeZone: "America/Los_Angeles"
}; // => { component:'div', children: 'Mar 3, 2020, 6:30 AM' };

Example Format Props

4. Utility Props

(__template, passprops, debug, test)

Utility props generally do not mutate JXM.props but are used to augment the expected behavior of JSONX.


The debug flag outputs the value of the JXM object where JXM.debug === true and the value of all of the computed advanced props as well.

const JXM = {
    component: 'div',
    children: 'Debug JXM Data',
      ()=>({ style:{ color:"blue" } })

//outputs to console:
/* { 
  jsonx: {
    component: "div",
    children: "Debug JXM Data",
    __dangerouslyEvalAllProps: "(()=>({ style:{ color:"blue" } }))"
    debug: true
    computedProps: {
      style: {color: "blue"}


The test flag outputs the value of the JXM object where JXM.test === true as a string.

const JXM = {
    component: 'div',
    children: 'Test JXM Data',

//outputs as a string component:
/* { 
  element: "div",
  children: "Debug JXM Data",
  test: true


The passprops flag passess the props from the parent JXM object to each JXM.children JXM Object except for the JXM.props.style property.

const JXM = {
  component: 'div',
    title:'my radio',

/* computes:
const JXM = {
  component: 'div',
    title:'my radio',
        title:'my radio',

You can also pass a select number of props by specifying which props to pass

const JXM = {
  component: 'div',
    title:'my radio',

/* computes:
const JXM = {
  component: 'div',
    title:'my radio',
        title:'my radio',


The ___template advanced prop (should really only be used server-side but works in the browser too) will load JXM objects from an external file (or URL client side - note in the browser this is a synchronous request).

const JXM = {
// path/to/some/jxm/json/file = { component: "section", children: "from external template"}
/* computes: 
  children:[{ component: "section", children: "from external template"}]

Example Utility Props

5. Display Props

(comparisonprops, comparisonorprops)

Display Props are properties that are used to determine if a React Element rendered from a JXM Object should be rendered. Display props enable conditional logic based on the value of props to determine if an element should be shown.

comparisonprops and comparisonorprops

The display prop comparisionprops is used to conditionally show elements if all of the comparisons are truthy. comparisonprops works by comparing an array of left and right side values, if they are all true, the component is rendered. If JXM.comparisonorprops is set to true then only one condition needs to be true to render the component.

The comparison values can either be literal values or the value can be a reference to any JXM.props value. References to values in JXM.props are accessed in the same way you would use traverse props, where the prop being traversed is JXM.props.

//and conditions
jsonx = {
  component: "div",
  children: "evals to false, so it will not render",
  comparisonprops: [
      left: ["bigNum"],
      operation: "lte",
      right: ["smallNum"]
    }, // false (10000 <= 100)
      left: ["smallNum"],
      operation: "<=",
      right: ["bigNum"]
    } // true (100 <= 10000)
  ] // false and true === false, so it won't render
//or conditions
jsonx = {
  component: "div",
  children: "evals to true, so this will render",
  comparisonorprops: true,
  comparisonprops: [
      left: ["truthy"],
      operation: "eq",
      right: ["falsey"]
    }, // = false
      left: ["smallNum"],
      operation: "eq",
      right: ["smallNum"]
    } // true
  ] // false or true === true, so render element

// All comparison operations
switch (opscompares.operation) {
  case "eq":
  case "==":
    return opscompares.left == opscompares.right;
  case "dneq":
  case "!=":
  case "!":
    return opscompares.left !== opscompares.right;
  case "dnseq":
  case "!==":
    return opscompares.left !== opscompares.right;
  case "seq":
  case "===":
    return opscompares.left === opscompares.right;
  case "lt":
  case "<":
    return opscompares.left < opscompares.right;
  case "lte":
  case "<=":
    return opscompares.left <= opscompares.right;
  case "gt":
  case ">":
    return opscompares.left > opscompares.right;
  case "gte":
  case ">=":
    return opscompares.left >= opscompares.right;
  case "dne":
  case "undefined":
  case "null":
    return opscompares.left === undefined || opscompares.left === null;
  case "!null":
  case "!undefined":
  case "exists":
    return opscompares.left !== undefined && opscompares.left !== null;

Example Display Props

6. applied Props

(useformregister, useremoveprops, useincludeprops)

Applied Props are properties that are helper properties that are used modify other jsonx properties.


The applied prop useformregister is a prop that passes a React Hook Form register to a component. It is a short cut for having to added the reference to the form reference manually.

jsonx = {
  component: "input",
  useformregister: true,

// is equivalent to
jsonx = {
  component: "input",
    ref: ['reactHookForm', 'register']


The applied prop useremoveprops is a prop that removes a list of props from the JXM Object. It is usually used in conjunction with passprops when you want to remove extra passed props.

jsonx = {
  component: "input",
    extraProp:'remove me',
  useremoveprops: ['removeThis','extraProp'],

// is equivalent to
jsonx = {
  component: "input",


The applied prop useincludeprops is a prop that removes all props from the JXM Object except for a list specified props. It is usually used in conjunction with passprops when you want to remove extra passed props.

jsonx = {
  component: "input",
    extraProp:'remove me',
    keepMe:'just this prop',
  useincludeprops: ['keepMe'],

// is equivalent to
jsonx = {
  component: "input",
    keepMe:'just this prop',

Next: External and Custom Components

JSONX Manual