JSONX Manual

Full JXM (JSONX Markup) JSON Spec

A JXM JSON Object is valid JSON Object that more or less mimics JSX in JSON notation with a couple of special properties. The properties for JSONX JSON are the arguments passed to React.createElement. The only required property is the component (which is passed as the type argument)


The full type definition is also available.

jxm = {
  //standard properties
  component:String, // Any React DOM element, or custom component div,p, Boomer.Hero, MaterialUI.Button, myCustomComponent (can also use the property 'type' instead of 'component')
  props:Object, // Standard React component properties
  children:Array|String, // Any String or Array of valid JSONX JSON objects

  //traverse properties
  resourceprops:Object, // An object from async resources to merge onto jsonx.props once fully resolved
  asyncprops:Object, // An object from async resources to merge onto jsonx.props once fully resolved (alias for resourceprops)
  thisprops:Object, // An object to merge onto jsonx.props from properties already bound to this.props
  thisstate:Object, // An object to merge onto jsonx.props from properties already bound to this.state
  thiscontext:Object, // An object to merge onto jsonx.props from properties already bound to this
  windowprops:Object, // An object to merge onto jsonx.props from the window object

  //evaluation properties
  __dangerouslyEvalProps:Object, // An object of evaluated JavaScript strings, used as inline functions onto jsonx.props, if the prop is a function it will be called bound to 'this' and the returned value will be assigned
  __dangerouslyBindEvalProps:Object, // An object of evaluated JavaScript functions that are bound to this, used as inline functions onto jsonx.props
  __dangerouslyEvalAllProps:Object, // evaluate strings to generate props that are functions bound to `this`
  __functionProps:Object, // An object of parsed function strings(func:this.props.onClick, func:window.localStorage.getItem),merged onto jsonx.props
  __dangerouslyInsertJSONXComponents:Object, // An object that turns each JSONX JSON value into a React components. This is typically used in a library like Recharts where you pass custom components for chart ticks or plot points.
  __dangerouslyInsertComponents:Object, // An object that turns each JSONX JSON value into a React components. This is typically used in a library like Recharts where you pass custom components for chart ticks or plot points.
  __dangerouslyInsertReactComponents:Object, // An object that returns the react element from either ReactDOM, reactComponents or componentLibraries.
  __dangerouslyInsertFunctionComponents:Object, // An object that returns the react function component.
  __dangerouslyInsertClassComponents:Object, // An object that returns the react class component.
  __spreadComponent:Object, // A JSONX element that is mapped on any array prop called  __spread
  __windowComponents:Object, // An object of components merged onto jsonx.props from window.__jsonx_custom_elements
  __windowComponentProps:Object, // Returns a resolved object that has React Components pulled from window.
  _children: Object, // any value assigned to _children will be set as the react element children property. This is typically used when you want to override what's passed as the children JXM property with a dynamic value later.

  //format properties
  ___FromLuxonTimeZone:String, // format date values as strings assigned to `children` prop using Luxon
  ___ISOtoLuxonString:String, //converts the children prop to from an ISO String to a Luxon formatted DateTime String 
  ___JSDatetoLuxonString:String, //converts the children prop to from JavaScript Date to a Luxon formatted DateTime String 
  ___stringifyChildren:String, //converts the children prop to a string using JSON.stringify 
  ___toNumeral:String, //converts numbers to numeral formatted numbers
  ___toStringChildren:String, //converts the children prop to a string using toString()

  //utility properties
  debug:Boolean, // A flag to output the calculated JXM props in the console
  test:Boolean, // A flag to output the calculated JXM as a string component
  passprops:Boolean|[String], // A flag to pass parent properties to children JSONX objects (except for the style property)
  ___template:String, //imports JXM from a file path into the children property 
  //display properties
  comparisonprops:[Object], // An array of Objects used to conditionally display the current jsonx.component
  comparisonorprops:Boolean, // A flag to use an or condition instead of and conditions between comparisions
  //Applied properties
  useformregister:Boolean, // A flag to insert react hook form register on component (short hand for  thiscontext: { ref:['reactHookForm','register'] })
  useremoveprops:[String], // remove props from component, usually used with passprops
  useincludeprops:[String], // Applied Prop: includes only defined props, usually used with passprops 

Simple JSONX Syntax

If you want to save time, you can use the property name as the component/type and use the object value to define the rest of the JXM properties for a cleaner simple syntax

//shorthand simple jsonx
  ul: {
        li: {
          children:'first bullet',
        li: {
          children:'second bullet',
        li:'third bullet',

JSONX Imperative API / Module

"jsonx" : {
  getReactElement: [Function: getReactElement], {aliases:[getRenderedJSON,getReactElementFromJSONX]} //Use React.createElement and JSONX JSON to create React elements
  getReactElementFromJSON: [Function: getReactElementFromJSON], // Use compiledJSON object {type,props,children} to create React elements
  jsonxRender: [Function: getRenderedJSON], //Use JSONX without any configuration to render JSONX JSON to HTML and insert JSONX into querySelector using ReactDOM.render
  outputHTML: [Function: outputHTML], //Use ReactDOMServer.renderToString to render html from JSONX
  outputJSX: [Function: outputJSX], //Generate valid JSX from JSONX
  outputJSON: [Function: outputJSON], //Generate computed static values from JSONX into JSON
  compile: [Function: compile], //Generate React Function Component from JSONX

  jsonToJSX: [Function: jsonToJSX], //Converts JSON to JSX
  __express: [Function: __express], //render express views with JSONX
  __getReact: [Function: __getReact], //Expose reference to React
  __getReactDOM: [Function: __getReactDOM], //Expose reference to ReactDOM
  __getUseGlobalHook: [Function: __getUseGlobalHook], //Expose reference to useGlobalHook

  _jsonxChildren: {
    getChildrenProperty: [Function: getChildrenProperty], // returns a valid jsonx.children property
    getChildrenProps: [Function: getChildrenProps], // Used to pass properties down to child components if passprops is set to true
    getJSONXChildren: [Function: getJSONXChildren], // returns React Child Elements via JSONX
  _jsonxComponents: {
    componentMap: {}, // object of all react components available for JSONX
    getBoundedComponents: [Function: getBoundedComponents], // getBoundedComponents returns reactComponents with certain elements that have this bounded to select components in the boundedComponents list
    getComponentFromLibrary: [Function: getComponentFromLibrary], // returns a react component from a component library (like material-ui, or semantic-ui)
    getComponentFromMap: [Function: getComponentFromMap], // returns a react element from jsonx.component
    getReactClassComponent: [Function: getReactClassComponent], // returns a react class component and support lifecycle functions, lazy and suspense components
    getReactFunctionComponent: [Function: getReactFunctionComponent], // returns a react function component and support lifecycle functions, hooks, lazy and suspense components
    FormComponent: [Function: FormComponent], // returns a helper react function component that allows you to create forms with [react-hook-form](https://react-hook-form.com/) without needed to add external form libraries
    DynamicComponent: [Function: DynamicComponent], // returns a helper react function component that allows you to create components that load data and render asynchronously. 
  _jsonxProps: {
    getJSONXProps: [Function: getJSONXProps], // It uses traverse on a traverseObject to returns a resolved object on propName. So if you're making an ajax call and want to pass properties into a component, you can assign them using asyncprops and reference object properties by an array of property paths
    getEvalProps: [Function: getEvalProps], //Used to evalute javascript and set those variables as props. getEvalProps evaluates __dangerouslyEvalProps and __dangerouslyBindEvalProps properties with eval, this is used when component properties are functions, __dangerouslyBindEvalProps is used when those functions require that this is bound to the function. For __dangerouslyBindEvalProps it must resolve an expression, so functions should be wrapped in (). I.e. (function f(x){ return this.minimum+x;})
    getComponentProps: [Function: getComponentProps], // Resolves jsonx.__dangerouslyInsertComponents into an object that turns each value into a React components. This is typically used in a library like Recharts where you pass custom components for chart ticks or plot points.
    getReactComponentProps: [Function: getReactComponentProps], // Resolves jsonx.__dangerouslyInsertReactComponents into an object that turns each value into a the React component from reactComponents, componentLibraries or ReactDOM.
    getFunctionFromProps: [Function: getFunctionFromProps], // Takes a function string and returns a function on either this.props or window.
    getFunctionProps: [Function: getFunctionProps], // Returns a resolved object from function strings that has functions pulled from jsonx.__functionProps
    getWindowComponents: [Function: getWindowComponents], // Returns a resolved object that has React Components pulled from window.__jsonx_custom_elements
    getComputedProps: [Function: getComputedProps], // Returns computed properties for React Components and any property that's prefixed with __ is a computedProperty
  _jsonxUtils: {
    validateJSONX: [Function: validateJSONX], //Validates JSONX JSON Syntax
    displayComponent: [Function displayComponent], // Used to evaluate whether or not to render a component
    traverse: [Function traverse], //take an object of array paths to traverse and resolve
    getAdvancedBinding: [Function: getAdvancedBinding], // Use to test if can bind components this context for react-redux-router


JSONX Manual